One thing I find sorely lacking from the interwebs is information relating to my favorite artists. This blog will be dedicated to giving the artists I admire a voice (per my goofy questions) that might otherwise not be heard. At least it's one more outlet. Let's give it a try...
The first 9.5 Questions is with Chicago area artist 'Therst'. I first got to know Therst as we collaborated on a resin toy build based on one of his illustrations. You can't call him purely an illustrator however...his art knows no bounds as you might find him forging a custom knife one day and painting custom graphics onto a skateboard deck the next.
A very small sample of the variety and style of THERST...
Let's get this party started...
1 - What inspires your art today?
Everyday life, current events, spirituality, the natural world. Basically, I draw inspiration from anywhere, at anytime. Ironically, my art usually has little to do with my current emotional state.
2 - if I were forced to listen to one album on infinite loop it would be...
Jeez...none, I could never do that. But If I had no choice....This is going to sound lame, but you didn't specify. The Bible. I probably need it more than anyone I know, and at least it's long. Maybe the Charlton Heston know to clean my guns to.
3 - what's up with the wolves (pertaining to your artwork)?
I think anyone can relate to them. Wolves in sheep's clothing, pack animals vs herd animals, predation vs foraging. It appeals/speaks to so much that takes place in our waking lives, as well as our thought life. Sometimes, I'll put a sheep in wolf's clothing. I also love producing animals in alternate color schemes that they are not found in naturally. I'm a huge color guy. Color can convey far more than the most eloquent words, can accompany and compliment the most eloquent, and elegant manifestations of word or form.
4 - my favorite childhood toy was...
Crystar! It was an action figure who was made to look like crystal. It was translucent green, had red highlights, and warrior accessories. The polymer they used to make him had a very distinct smell, and taste. Every time I smell that fragrance ( which is a rarity) I am transported back to my childhood with vivid memories of that toy.
come to think of it, I use those same colors a lot in my art. Wow! That's crazy.
5 - if the inventor of the cubicle was still alive and you could have 30 minutes alone with him (no consequences) what would occur?
We would take a subsonic jet to the middle of the Gobi desert, where I would thank him for his contribution towards dehumanizing his species. I would then present him with a large steel box approximately 5' square at the base, with 7' walls. The top would be made of a transparent bullet proof glass, with a series of 5 small holes for breathing. The walls would be made of 1" thick stainless steel, covered in sandpaper. I would leave him a 2' wide opening to go in and out from. Depending on the time of day, it might protect him from the extreme sun. I would have solar powered, fluorescent lights embedded into the bullet proof glass, so that it could potentially suck the nutrients from his body all day, and night. Then I would leave. I mean, there's not a lot you can do in a 30mins.
6 - are you more afraid of stinging insects or the singularity?
I'm not so sure that technology is progressing at a rate that human intelligence will be overtaken, rather that human intellect, and our love for others is degrading faster than technology can hope to overtake it. All it need do is wait. So....stinging insects I guess.
7 - who is more 'metal'? Miley Cyrus... Justin Bieber...Pat Monohan ( of Train)
Miley, she's like Norwegian grade black metal. And I'm not talkin like "King's X" black metal, I mean scandinavian sell your children to satan, blood metal, black metal. You dig?
8 - choose an ability: infinite life, teleporter ( you can use any time), time travel (limited to 3 uses)...
crap...time travel, just for the sake of youtube, and conspiracy theorists.
9- what living artists do you follow most closely today?
Artists is a pretty broad term. Fabricators, I follow Mike Snody. Dude is hilarious, and cutting edge when it comes to his knife concepts. IG artists doing it, @astrodub @marthalicia @johnwentz @epicuno @enzoandnio @mrjaymyers @jakeparker @busymockingbird @aleckscruz @chrisrwk @davidpaulseymore and a few others. Outside of that realm: Riusuke Fukahori that guy...mind blowing! Any number of graffiti heads. I'm an old graf head/street artist dude from the nineties. Back when revs and cost were doing 3d installations before anyone else was. Watchin guys like Kaws, and Banksy before they were somebodies. It's really cool to see how it's taken off. Some of the old dudes like Cope2 and Sen2 (one of my favs).
Realism and impressionists: David Kassan, john wentz, there are too many to list. I suck at this kinda thing.
Music John Mark McMillan, Blake Atwell, The Beautiful Eulogy. There's a few.
9.5 - if the world ________________________?
If the world's chocolate production ceased, women would kill every living thing.
Where to find THERST:
All art displayed in this blog is ©®™ by THERST